If you’re a fan of true crime, you’ve probably seen those iconic investigation boards in documentaries and movies—where investigators and amateur sleuths alike pin photos, maps, and notes in a bid to solve the mystery. Well, it’s time to bring that detective energy into your own space! Whether you’re solving a cold case or just indulging in your love for true crime, creating your own investigation board is a fun and immersive way to engage with the stories you love.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build your own DIY True Crime Wall!

1. Choose the Right Space

Before you start gathering materials, decide where you want to set up your investigation board. A dedicated wall or corkboard is ideal, but if you’re short on space, consider using a large whiteboard or a pinboard that you can move around.

2. Gather Your Materials

Now that you’ve got your space, it’s time to collect the materials you’ll need to create your investigation wall. Here’s a basic list:

  • Pins and Thumbtacks – For attaching photos, notes, and other materials.
  • Markers and Highlighters – To underline important clues or dates.
  • String or Yarn – To connect dots between key pieces of evidence (think: “The Wire” style).
  • Photos and Documents – Printouts of key suspects, locations, timelines, or crime scene photos.
  • Sticky Notes – For jotting down thoughts, theories, and potential connections.

3. Start with a Timeline

Every investigation begins with a timeline. Map out the key events related to the case you’re focusing on. This could include the date of the crime, when a suspect was last seen, or when a critical piece of evidence was found. Use string to visually connect the events and create a flow of information.

4. Pin Key Evidence

Next, pin photos of the crime scene, suspects, witnesses, and any other key evidence you’ve gathered. Arrange them in a way that makes sense to you—this will be your visual map of the case. Don’t forget to use sticky notes to add small pieces of information, like witness statements or alibis.

5. Make Connections

This is where the fun begins! Use string or yarn to connect different pieces of evidence. For example, you can connect a suspect to a location or a timeline to a piece of physical evidence. This is where you start to feel like a true detective!

6. Add Personal Notes

As you dig deeper into the case, you’ll have thoughts and theories that you’ll want to jot down. Use sticky notes to add personal notes and possible leads that might not yet have a place on your board.

7. Review and Update Regularly

A true crime investigation board is an ongoing project. As you uncover new clues or theories, update your wall with fresh information. This is the beauty of the DIY investigation wall: it’s a dynamic, evolving project that grows with your findings.

Become Your Own Detective!

Building your own true crime investigation wall is a fun and immersive way to dive deeper into your favorite cases. Whether you’re analyzing an unsolved mystery or piecing together the details of a famous crime, your investigation board will help you stay organized and focused. Plus, it’s a great way to bring out your inner detective!